Saturday, May 5, 2012

Blog post 2

Did You Know(Strange Version)

After watching Dr. Strange's Did You Know   video, I found it very interesting how most of the facts covered in the video are things we rarely think of. If you're a U.S. citizen, there's a good possibility that you're aware of the fact that we are struggling in the education field as a nation. The video show's how evident this is because of the number of India's K-12 honor students exceeding the number of regular students in the U.S. This should be one of the main reasons for young Americans to take initiative and desire to succeed in school, but they fail to do so.
          Another interesting fact from the video is the amount of citizens that now have computers,which could be one of the leading causes why our country is under-educated. It is also recognized now that at the current rate, there will be more English-speaking Chinese citizens than there are in the U.S. in a short period of time. It is our responsibility to do our part as American citizens and do everything we can to help the upcoming generation. After all, that is why I'm in the education field, what about you?

Mr. Winkle Wakes

In Needleman's video Mr. Winkle Wakes Mr. Winkle is an elderly man whom has fallen into a 100 year slumber. Even though it is made with older effects and graphics, it allows the reader to look at the story through Mr. Winkle's eyes. It is amazing how far we have came in the computer and technology field. Ironically, the moral of the story is no matter how much time goes by, some things truly never change. The video also has a similar storyline to one of my favorite animation(cartoon) shows,Futurama.
Myself, as many others, can relate to the moral of the story from first-hand experience. What I mean by this statement is that the education field is always changing, so what my generation learned in school will possibly never be taught to the next generation. However, this video also has another meaning, that is schools must begin to incorporate today's technology into the classroom. This is shown in the video when Mr. Winkle notices a laptop in the back of the classroom that isn't being used. As future educators, unlike the school in the video, we MUST find a way to include new forms of learning through the educational tools we are given. This includes many of the online tools we are learning to use in EDM 310.

The Importance of Creativity

In Ken Robinson's The Importance of Creativity, Sir Ken Robinson reviews how he believes the schools of today kill creativity. I thought it was hilarious when he told the story of the little girl drawing a picture of God. After the little girl's teacher proclaims that no one knows what God looks like, the little girl's response is that they will after she gets done drawing him!! Though this may be funny, it also shows the creativity of children. He goes on to state that we become educated out of creativity, this occurs when we are taught a certain way for so long and adapt to that specific way and not our own.
          He supports this by quoting Picaso which reveals the problem with being creative is staying that way as you grow up. I totally agree with his statement that as a kid we are denied pretty much anything that we want to be, such as a musician or an artist because of our educational system's outlook.I never really thought about the fact that we are living through a process of academic inflation, as he describes it, in which a B.A. doesn't guarantee you a job as it did in the past. After viewing the video, it inspires me in many different ways. It makes me realize as an educator, we must strive to keep our students as creative as we possibly can. This means that we need to "think outside the box" of everyday teaching methods. I plan on adapting this view into my career by creating assignments that will not only inspire my students but also make them excited about learning, as every educator should.

A Vision For 21st Century Learning

The video A Vision for 21st Century Learning, does a great job of describing what must happen in order to change our educational system. The clip points out that many of today's students will come into contact with computers and video game consoles before K-4. This should make the viewer realize that these tools could also be used for educational purposes. Also pointed out in the beginning is how we live in a very fast-pace world of social networking and online communications. The idea proposed is that we could use the technology, such as  a virtual version of Rome shown in the video, in order to make learning fun. As pointed out, today's classrooms were produced during the Industrialization period, in which the students come in as raw material, move from grade to the next, and leave crammed full of facts. This causes much of the material the students learn to be forgotten or used very little. We must incorporate new ways that will allow our students to learn in ways that they will never forget the material covered.

Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts

In the video Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts, Vicki Davis does an amazing job of offering her views on new forms of teaching. She is a world renowned blogger, and is constantly adapting ways to incorporate new technologies into her classroom. Vicki also has her students using blogger, which is a system I'm just now learning to use in EDM 310. She has a very good point in stating that only certain children will succeed with only paper and pens. This is why she has adapted these new forms of technologies (Wikis, avatars, etc.), into her classroom. This will inspire creativity within her students and also make learning enjoyable.
            I have gained many ideas after viewing her video, and think that we need to strive to become innovative educators. An amazing aspect is when she states that her students have taught her, in many cases, how to use these systems. This shows that she is doing a great job of inspiring her students, something every educator should strive to do. Another trait that I intend on adapting is how she has taught them literacy in which if they don't know a word they know how to look it up online. This form of teaching, as stated in the video, will allow students to become more comfortable with new software and technology. I enjoyed getting a firsthand view at what new technology can bring to the classroom of tomorrow and definitely intend on using it myself.

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