Sunday, March 25, 2012

Blog Post #8

This is how we Dream parts 1&2
After reviewing the video This Is How We Dream Pt. 1 by Richard Miller, I gained many valuable ideas about how I can use this technology in my classroom. As a writer and author, he explains how technology has affected his life, after having one of his works published, it now sells for less than a dollar online.In the video, he describes how he has had to adapt to the new world of teaching, which is what we all must be prepared to do as future teachers. He makes the viewer realize the severity of the situation by explaining how he has went from using the library as his primary source to now having his Macbook. He offers insight about how to take free tools from the internet and use them to enhance your future projects.After viewing the video I now have a better idea of how to use the new teaching tools described  to my advantage and allow them to improve my career as a teacher.
         One of his examples of how the web has changed teaching is when he describes his Virginia Tech project and shows the viewer it is forever saved on the internet through a search engine. This tool is amazing not only because it is saved online forever, but anyone can access it freely on the internet. Another example is through networking online and having the ability to add images and film clips to your published works. He shows this with his presentation on Martin Luther King Jr. that he enhances with the use of audio and video clips from online sources. In This Is How We Dream Part 2, He begins by showing the viewer examples of how online material is constantly being edited and updated through the use of the internet.  He then begins to show examples of how to use these online tools to organize your own published works.
        My favorite example he uses is Jonathon Harris' search tool that he created using nothing but the web. Miller shows  Harris' stunning discovery,which is a tool used to do vast searches in categories such as the news and online blogs all over the globe. Harris' creation should definately inspire viewers to utilize online tools  because it is unlike any other search engine I've ever seen and it was created solely with the web. Miller is making strides in developing a way to educate students that would allow them to learn how to use these tools. This technology would open new doors to an entire new world of endless knowledge and capabilities. These tools will  allow inventors and creators to not only develop their own dreams but to share them with others also. The ideas covered in Richard Miller's videos will open the door to many areas that could one day be a main source for educating the students of tomorrow.

Carly's Blog Post 12
In Carly's Blog Post 12 she does a great job of using Youtube to show how online sources can be used in the world of teaching. This is a great example of what Richard Miller  covers in his videos about how we, as future teachers, must utilize the free online tools of today. This is important because it is vital that the students of tomorrow know how to use these same tools in order to become better learners. Carly uses her youtube playlist to share a list of videos that will help future instructors along their path to becoming the teachers of tomorrow. As she covers, inspiration is key to becoming both a better teacher and learner, therefore, she added a few inspirational videos to her list.I'm sorry but if you watch the video Think Different and don't feel somekind of inspiration, you may want to check your pulse, AWESOME!!! Thanks Carly, you're an inspiration!!!!

Chipper & EDM for Dummies
In the student video The Chipper Series, Chipper is a female student in Dr. Strange class that makes many, many mistakes along her way. After slacking from the beginning of the video, Chipper makes the decision to drop EDM after failing to complete her assignments. She then goes on to make a series of mistakes by opening up her own school, which eventually fails because of lack of the required ertification. The videos covers a range of very important lessons of why it is important to strive to be a successful student. It covers many aspects of how a student can take on a life of laziness, and wind up failing in life altogether. In the video EDM for Dummies, Jamie does a great job of capturing how frustrating EDM can be, and also showing how much it has helped her in the end. I enjoyed both videos and would include ideas from each in my video. My idea for a video would probably be more serious, because it is a very serious situation    I would probably follow along the lines of the Chipper Series but have a guy wind up in old age still having to work a hard labor job, when he should be enjoying retirement.  I can relate to  both  Chipper and EDM 310 for Dummies because there's been a few times when I too have been ready to throw in the towel, but have managed to hang in there with the help of the EDM 310 team, thanks guys!!!

Learn to Change, Change to Learn
The video Learn to Change, Change to Learn does a great job of descibing how the world of education is in the lower category of importance in today's society. The video covers how classrooms today dont grasp the students minds as much as technology does outside of school. What I mean by this is that students whom are familiar with the internet and it's endless tools have a hard time paying attention in class. This is where the teacher of tomorrow ,a.k.a. me, will step in and merge the two together. Many of the ideas discussed are some of the same beliefs EDM 310 is built upon. Dr. Strange and his staff understand exactly what must happen in order for us,his students, to adapt to this new style of online teaching. I enjoyed the video and totally support the idea it is based upon, because I've witnessed it in the EDM 310 classroom this semester first hand.

Scavenger Hunt
Using one of the suggested Web 2.0 sites, I created my first social network as a teacher using the edmodo online tool. The system is basically set up like facebook, but is made specifically designed to allow teachers to connet with their students online. This tool is a great example of how the online classroom idea is evolving. Edmodo allows you, as a teacher,  to keep everything organized in your online teaching profile. I can take this tool and use it in the future to teach my class online by just adding my students to my edmodo group. I will also be able to utilize this tool to connect with teachers and other students around the globe with ease. I've enjoyed learning about this new social teacher network and definately plan on adding it to my PLN.

My Comic Strip
Here's a link to My comic I created for Blog Post 8 Meet Moose, Thanks, and here's the link so you can create your own, ENJOY!!!

Project # 11 Short Movie

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Project #9b Timeline

PLN Progress Report

A PLN, or personal learning network, is an online tool that allows you to have quick and easy access to a wide range of internet tools, whether used for work or personal use. The PLN I chose to use is Symbaloo, which is free and easy to learn how to use. I have just recently began utilizing this tool and have come to find it very useful in executing many tasks quickly.

            For example, I needed to complete the Timetoast Timeline which was due for a project this week and my PLN allowed me to navigate directly to the website and begin my assignment quickly. Another great thing about the Symbaloo system is the various ways you can personalize it. For instance if you would like to arrange your websites into four different categories, you could do so with ease. Another great feature about the PLN is that if you get tired of working online you can quickly jump to a form of entertainment, such as the latest Youtube video. Also, Symbaloo offers News links to current news around the world which can be vital in keeping up with current events.  Most of all, the latest online education tools are easily accessed, which is an invaluable tool to new and upcoming teachers. This is just a few ways I have learned to utilize the free tools offered by my PLN.

Blog Post #7

Networked Student
The video Networked Student proposes the idea that 21st century students will use the Internet and it's various tools to become self-learners. The idea is very realistic and could become a reality in the near future. As we've learned throughout this semester in EDM310, the world of technology is growing at a mind-blowing rate, and shows no signs of slowing down. The number of people throughout the world with internet axcess is another reason why the Networked Student could become a reality. Teachers all over the globe are adapting to new forms, such as the use of Blogs, to inspire their students to become advanced learners.
         In the video, the use of Blogs and other networks allow students to interact with students and teachers all  over the world. This opens a whole new door for the student, in which he can communicate and learn from some of the world's best instructors. With the new style self-learning student, what will the role of the teacher be in the future? That question is answered in the video, it's our job to teach them how to build and use their networks. The internet can be used for many good reasons, but it also has its negative uses, which is the teacher's job to decipher. It may not happen exactly as the video predicts, but I do believe this new type of student is evolving as we speak.
          The Networked Student idea would allow students to interact with other students around the world, which would allow them to gain insight on different cultures and lifestyles in the world. The teachers job is also vital because without them, the student would'nt know how to use the networks. The teacher will serve as a guide for the student, in which he/she will be taught how to properly use the education tools of the future. This is a very important job because of online criminals, or hackers,which will continue to be a problem in the future. That is why it is the teachers job to prepare the student to look for and be able to identify these problems. The student of tomorrow must be prepared to use the technology of tomorrow, or he will be left behind. This is why the role of the teacher will always be an important one.

Welcome To My PLE!
In the video, Welcome To My PLE! , I learned various things about how to further enhance my own PLN. My PLN is set up a little different than the students in the video, but it still serves the same purpose. The video definately helps you to gain ideas to help organize and build your own. My PLN allows me to have instant axcess to all my favorite websites, social networks, and other online tools which are used throughout the semester in EDM 310 and also when I become an instructor. The only major difference is that the student in the video has her PLN color coded, whereas I do not.

Team K.A.T.E. Podcast Project #8

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Sunday, March 4, 2012

Blog Post #6

In the video Randy Pausch Last Lecture: Achieving Your Childhood Dreams, Dr. Pausch tells the story of how he followed his dreams to unimaginable places. Randy had many dreams as most children do, but unlike others, he chased them until most of them became realities. Along the way to chasing his dreams he had the luxury of meeting various key figures, such as his college professor Andy Van Dam, that challenged him to be unique. There are also other factors that played a role in Randy's life, such as his intense love for football. Though he never achieved his dream of becoming a professional football player, he learned the values of hard work through the game. Randy used the same concept on his way to making amazing advances in his classroom. Randy earned  the title of college professor and now teaches at Carnegie Mellon University, where he continues to adopt and experiment with different ways of teaching.
          I think many of the views expressed in the video will help me to become a better teacher. One of the key aspects of teaching is being able to communicate with your students. As Randy states in the video, it is important to be careful on how you talk to someone because they could take it the wrong way. For example, students are less likely to pay attention to someone  who is being rude or discourteous towards them. Another one of his teaching attributes i learned from the video is he didn't follow the guidelines of "textbook" teaching. In  other words he divided his class into different groups and challenged them to work together to complete assignments. This method of teaching proves to be effective when the students design a mind-blowing virtual world, which is shown in the video.
          Dr. Pausch accomplished something that many teachers spend there entire lives trying to do, make something difficult  enjoyable. He accomplished this task by thinking outside of the box and creating his college course Building Virtual Worlds. At the time, it was the first class to split the students into random groups and assign them different tasks, such as designing virtual worlds through the use of software. This type of teaching was ground-breaking and is now used in colleges throughout the United States. The course became an instant phenomenom in which students were lining up in great numbers to attend. The technology used in his course went on to be a huge success, and was used  in the Spider-Man 3 film.
         Randy and Don Marinelli established the Entertainment Technology Center to offer a Master's degree in Entertainment Technology. This Master's degree is different than any other because it is totally based off of group projects. The Degree comes with a written aggreement from five major companies, such as Electronic Arts, guaranting the student with a job after graduation. Another tool Randy took part in designing was ALICE, which is a system that teaches computer programming. The beauty of this tool is that it makes a game out of learning, making it enjoyable. Dr. Randy Pausch was an amazing man and made many priceless discoveries in the field of teaching, he will be remembered forever. I plan on using many of his views within my own classroom, such as challenging my students to work as a team and most of all,to have fun.